Sunday, October 22, 2017

Film: Brothers (Bracia), dir. Wojciech Staroń (2016)

2016 | 68 minutes
Country of Production: Poland

In 1994, Wojciech Staroń (who was studying cinematography at the film school in Łódź at the time) and his girlfriend Małgosia (now his wife and also the soundwoman and producer of his films) went to Kazakhstan. On this trip they met two brothers, Alfons and Mieczysław Kułakowski, Polish emigrants who were taken by the winds of history first to Siberia and then to Kazakhstan. The former was a painter, the latter, a cartographer who for decades travelled around the furthest corners of the Soviet Union. Ten years after their meeting with Staroń, the Kułakowscy brothers returned to Poland. As repatriates they moved to a small village in the north of Poland. Alfons painted and Mieczysław accompanied him in his everyday duties.  --

AMNH 2017 Mead Film Festival